For Black Men I.

October 26, 2024

The United States is a One party state, the Business Party.

  • It has two factions, the Democrats and Republicans. The Republicans are the more dedicated pro business Party. But, there are not 2 Political Parties in America, there’s one Political Party. The Business Party, it has 2 parts the Democrats and Republicans.

Since the beginning, The United States has been divided by the North and the South. The South fought to maintain Slavery, not out of hatred. They fought to maintain Slavery for profit. The North fought to abolish Slavery, not out of love. They fought to abolish Slavery to preserve the United States as one nation, under one flag and strengthen the Federal Government’s power. 

The United States, is still divided by the North and the South. That has not changed. The Republican Party is dedicated to big business & profit.

A Vote for TRUMP is a Vote for the South.

No doubt, Black People were also called nigga in the North. But, the South were fighting to continue Slavery. This is why historically Black People vote Democratically, life was better for them up North. Refresh yourself on the Civil War. Understand who the South was and what they were fighting for, and you’ll hear & see the same perspectives in the Republican Party of today; as is their right.

Use your vote strategically, not emotionally.

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