MASK Los Angeles
Fear God Tee
Rabbit Hole
The Perversion of Kanye West
Unfortunately, many of us have listened to what the media says about the disgraced billionaire and anti-semite Kanye West; and haven’t taken the time to listen closely to what Ye actually says.
First thing, you have to give him the respect and understanding that comes with his accomplishments. That means, all the game he learned as Jay-Z’s protege, the many years aside men like Just Blaze, Young Guru, and the impresario Dame Dash. Touring around the world with men like Adam Blackstone, Kid Cudi; working with Lyor Cohen, Def Jam, Nike, Adidas, Gap, Louis Vuitton, Balenziaga, Live Nation and many many others.
Imagine, what a man might see navigating himself through this level of enterprise. The knowledge gained, the lessons learned, the painful lessons learned. The information, the fucking information. Being the Husband of the woman responsible for the most critical change in our standard of beauty since Jennifer Lopez. The business he has conducted, the products he’s created, the contracts he has signed. There must be a respect for the experience, knowledge, and intelligence gained to sustain such a monolithic career.
Once that respect and understanding is given, you must accept that there are things he understands and the majority of us do not.
No one is perfect, so there are many mistakes in the things he says. Example, Ye as a Christian, is a Jew; but he is a Spiritual Jew through the blood of Christ. The people, who are by blood from Jerusalem (Jews) are God’s chosen people. Through Baptism in to Christ, those who are not by blood from Jerusalem become spiritual Jews. Ye’s explanation of this Theological fact is mad incorrect, but Christianity is a life long learning process. Romans 2:28-29 Galatians 3:28
The essence of what Ye has said, is that he will be the sacrificail lamb, so that those of us learning to play tha game, will be able to play on another level.
“I think like Gorge Jetson, but speak like Gorge Jefferson”. – Kanye West
No matter what we say, in our hearts we feel for you Bro. We pray that what we are seeing is not a breakdown, we pray that it has pure Christian intentions and intellect. But here’s the thing Ye, free thought is not Christianity.
Christianity is an ethic with many many many many limitations. If you serve God you are not a free thinker, you are a prisoner to the Gospel of Christ. Ephesians 3:1-13
different things We can do with the word West.

The Election Of Cornel West
The only thing more American than Motown is the Star Spangled Banner.
There’s a difference between the America Motown inspired and the America we live in today. Motown’ s music brought Americans together during the civil rights movement. Everything understands the power of music. Lifeforms without ears respond to music. The (wonderful) intellect of music, it’s able to communicate with every living thing.
There’s a difference between Motown and the America we live in today.
The America we live in today, could use some Motown (in principle). What Motown did, is desegregate American music bringing us all together. Motown’s as American on the Farms in Ohio, as it is in a Manhattan high rise; America is in need of music, we’re too segregated. Brother Cornel West for President.
A Musician President, for an America in need of music.
Motor City, Motown Detroit, the key figure of American industrialization. Brilliant American minds walk those streets today. But they are in need of funding. Access to investment money and information. The economic system of America is important, and must operate according to its design in order to prosper.
The Micro-Enterprise Financial Plan
Building on the work of Dr. Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank. A Micro Enterprise System, will fundamentally change the landscape of America’s economy, in benefit of the Working Class American.
A system, where money can be properly invested under gov. supervision for the growth and profit of an Individual enterprise. A program that protects investment money from financially poor decisions, and provides financial transparency.
Americans over the age of 35, can enroll into the Program. All you need is American citizenship. Think of the movie “Trading Places” staring the great Eddie Murphy.
When the course work is complete, the graduate creates a Business Account at the bank of his/her choice and connects the micro-enterprise financial system, the way you’d connect your PayPal to a Bank Account. Taxes are 100% transparent. Cost of growth, marketing cost, Research & Development and profits are all 100% transparent. American commerce, owned by American people, financed by America.
We the American People, can employ our communities and create jobs. The people of America, can take care of their own. Just like you, we just need assistance and information. Cornel West, is the kind of man who could see the value of a Micro-Enterprise Program. For that, he is the best for America’s economy:
The Grameen Bank is a renowned case study for micro-lending. Review the work of Dr. Muhammad Yunus, and how their bank provides loans to the poorest of their Country. In the United States we have a complex financial system, and without training, smart people unknowingly find themselves in financial ruin.
The Micro Enterprise Financial Program, will provide American Adults, with the access and means to sustain a business, and create jobs for American workers.
Built, owned and ran by Americans. An American economy with a soundtrack built to bring us together. Remember Motown.
A musical President, for an America in need of music
4 Years of Justice
Dr. Cornell West For President

Forever Young