Music Makers the Revolution is here
The Spotr Account is the ultimate business solution for the independent music maker. This platform is built for you. The Spotr Account is a complete Studio – Blog, Broadcast, Promotion and File Market; Retail, broadcast and Ad revenue income streams.
If you’re an Artist or Brand: first, subscribe to StudioLink Pro. This will give you the tele-marketing power you need, and an online destination for your music & products. We made StudioLink Pro, so a basic understanding of social media is all that’s necessary. “If you’re an Artist or Writer, StudioLink Pro is creative Heaven. “If you use social media, the skills are transferable.” – H&B
StudioLink, can simultaneously broadcast your video content (in real-time). around the world. Check out the video upload feature:
(Learn more about our Broadcast System here. You can broadcast video content in weekly rotation like radio or MTV. https://www.spotrpage.com/studio/orbit-stream/)
Content can be purchased from live broadcast, and viewers can Tip artists they want to support. – Fun
Make a Video, and put it in daily rotation.
Make a TV show, we can broadcast it. At the same time, every week. We can build our own MTV. Get your Spotr Account here: https://www.spotrpage.com/register/