Health & Behavior

A comprehensive guide to women's health & beauty.

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How to find cute stuff at the thrift store

The Ultimate Guide to Thrift Shopping
You can find everything you could ever need and more at Goodwill, Salvation Army, or any other local thrift shop. The pieces you find thrifting are often more unique, better quality, and much much cheaper than new items today.
I've been strictly buying secondhand when it comes to clothing and accessories for the past few months and its been an eye opener. I want to keep this new habit going. It prevents me from making impulse purchases online and not to mention it's a more environmentally friendly choice. Americans generate 16 million tons of textile waste each year. This waste is not biodegradable and often ends up in landfills, where it can take hundreds of years to decompose.
The Guide

This stuff is awesome.

Add to your Skincare Routine

How to Set Up your WFH Desk

Investing in a great work setup tailored to individual needs and preferences can have a significant positive impact on:

  • Productivity,
  • Efficiency,
  • Overall well-being
Your WFH Set-up Guide

Work from Home Walking Pad

Our recommendation for a WFH walking pad has an aesthetic build so it doesn't take away from the beauty of your office space. In fact, this walking pad enhances your space, especially when paired with Flexispot's Standing Desk 


order walking pad

Evidence that Christ is Real

This woman had so many doubts about the Bible, God, and Jesus. After she had an experience where she met someone who truly loved God and wanted to live a life that pleases Him, she knew she needed to dig deeper. This video is all of the facts and historical evidence that support the validity of the Bible and of Jesus Christ. This faith is not blind.


A Beginners Guide to Red Light Therapy

Some touted benefits of Red Light Therapy include:

  • Increased collagen
  • Even complexion
  • Decreased muscle or joint pain
  • Improved cognition
  • Decrease in depression and anxiety
  • Hair growth
  • Increased energy
  • Improved sleep

Check out the Comprehensive Guide to find out if the rumored benefits are true.

The Guide

The Guide: Everything you've wanted to know about freezing your eggs

As a woman ages, not only does the quantity of her eggs diminish, so does the quality.
  • Women are born with about 2 Million Eggs
  • By Puberty, she has about 400,000 left
  • By the end of her 30s, that number declines to 27,000
  • And at the onset of menopause, women have about 1,000 eggs left
Egg Freezing Guide

Should you freeze your eggs? Scroll down and try the calculator below to find out.

How Can I Increase Egg Quality?

Hide your info from creepers online

My friend was recently put into a scary situation, where her life was threatened by an angry former employee at her job. Understandably so, she freaked out and did a quick search of her name, only to find that her address was easily accessible to anyone online. She followed the steps in the below in order to remove her info online, but it made me think about how important it is to follow these steps BEFORE anything scary and potentially threatening can happen. This is the most thorough list she could find.

here's how

For the Gym Girlies

Gym Girl Essentials

How to Spot a Narcissist

If you've ever dealt with a narcissist before whether at home, work, in a romantic relationship, or otherwiseyou know how overwhelming it can be. The person doesn't seem to care about anyone elses needs but their own. Maybe they have a huge ego that you can't stand, or maybe one day, they're super sweet and charming, but another day, they're putting you down.

No matter what their specific behaviors look like, being in a relationship with a narcissist can be harmful and hurtful and, in the extreme, a narcissistic relationship pattern can have intense emotional, psychological, and physical effects.

Here's some ways to identify a narcissist.
How to Spot a Narcissist

Gel Manicure At-Home

With A LOT of trial and error, I've been able to figure out how to do my own at home manis and pedis that last up to 3 weeks. The initial cost to purchase all the equipment is about $100, but it's an investment - once you have all the tools you need, you're good for years and years to come.

Buy What I'll Need

A 10-step guide to gel manicures AT HOME

It's important to wear sunscreen year-round. Here's the guide you've been looking for.

All about sunscreen

Podcast Recommendation

Products we're loving right now

At-Home Laser Hair Removal

I've been going to get laser hair removal treatments on and off for like 4 years now and can't even begin to fathom how many hundreds if not thousands of dollars I've spent total on these treatments.

Laser hair removal is life-changing, but it is not permanent like they make it seem. You have to get treatments after your initial sessions in order to maintain results. I did my fair share of research, and have been using this at-home laser hair removal device for almost a year now, and I LOVE the results and the fact that I'm saving so much money by doing it myself at home.

buy now

Compact GDOR Masticating Juicer

For juicing fresh fruits and veggies daily.

Compact Juicer

Learn How to Dress for Your Body Type

Take this quiz to figure out your Kibbie body type.

Kibbie Body Type Quiz

Essential Amino Acids are key to your physical health

Learn More

This hack will help you focus on anything

What is FLOW?

Finding the moment or environment when/where you are so involved in what you are doing that you forget the time that has passed ; you also don't feel like you're actually working but getting mere enjoyment from the process. You also feel an unprecedented surge of energy.

How to get yourself in the Flow state

10 Tips for Healthy, Shiny, and Long Hair

H&B Feature


Customize your Digital World

This simple trick will change your experience..



You just need 30 minutes


Declutter your space

Curate your Closet