Free Remote Tutoring Program
About the Orbit Education Fund (OEF)
OEF provides free remote tutoring services to children, grades 3-12. Below, you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions about OEF.
How does the tutoring service work?
OEF live-streams lessons over Orbit, a free video platform accessed via PC, laptop, phone, or tablet. Students login to lessons, taught according to the specific curriculum of the grade. Using the chat, students ask questions and teachers address them accordingly. When children need additional assistance, there is a weekly forum where teachers can dive into questions in depth.
Why is OEF necessary?
The disruptions to normal life caused by the pandemic have intensified already vast educational disparities. Students across the nation are behind in math and reading, but it is worse in low-income districts. Participating in the public education system, which is overtaxed, is not enough to prepare students for an enriching college career. While higher-income parents can hire expensive private tutors, that is not accessible for most families. This is where OEF comes in. We created OEF because we believe that education equity is essential to a flourishing democracy.
What makes OEF unique?
The beauty of tutoring via a streaming service is that parents don’t have to go anywhere or adjust their work schedules. The optional “tip” feature on the platform allows families to tip instructors, providing additional income to teachers who need it, especially outside of the school year. OEF covers foundational academic techniques that improve notation, study habits, test-taking, and the creation of outlines as a precursor to essay writing. These are necessities for higher education.
Where do I come in?
There are several ways to become a part of, or contribute to, OEF. If you are an interested student, parent, or teacher, contact us at orbiteducation@spotrevolution.com with a brief note explaining your needs. To donate to OEF, shop at MASKLASTUDIO.com, where 40% of proceeds are donated to OEF, or donate directly here. We thank you for taking a stand for educational equity.

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