Audio Intelligent Radio
Audio Intelligent Radio (AIR), the choice of content you’ve been longing for. The perfect way to enter each evening or a night of cooking and making love.
Listen to music, and not be part of the algorithm. Human touch; music professionals assembling playlist of the greatest recordings ever made. News and long news-style content at your finger tips, but never disturbing the music. AIR is your go-to station for the best playlist and information.
AIR is NPR on steroids, and built to be far greater. Contact us now https://spotrevolution.com/contact/
Audio Intelligent Radio is not devoted to a liberal, conservative or scientific political agenda, but to the mental physical health and wealth of the people listening. Unity through Music & Understanding is our mission. Music heals, we believe that, and all Lovers know it’s true. AIR playlist, take you musical places where your focus increases and love between partners deepens. Audio Intelligent Radio explores the power of music, with playlist you feel in your stomach.
AIR leverages the capabilities of spotrevolution.com making it a radio station like nothing you’ve ever experienced. AIR is media + radio, operating through AWS and connected to the entirety of man’s knowledge. Tune in today and see why AIR is turning heads among creatives & audiophiles everywhere.
A man’s true love for music production & the joy of song writing is combined with a cross-platform technology; and turned in to a new listening experience. Join us on our path to become bigger and better.
Audio Intelligent Radio @ spotrevolution.com, tap in today

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