OEF Educator Page

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OEF Tutoring Guidelines
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Los Angeles, CA
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To our Educators...

Please find the below guidelines for OEF lessons, and let us know if you feel anything should be added. We appreciate your experience. The purpose of OEF Tutoring is to help students really learn their curriculum and pass their tests.

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You are the single subject

  1. In traditional tutoring, the student and instructor are in close proximity. When the student looks up, they see the face of the instructor. Think of this experience when recording a lesson, because a tutoring session can very easily become a lecture. Orient yourself close enough to the screen for the viewer to get a feel for who you are. 

Repeat important points

2. To emphasize an important point, use repetition and slow speech. Speak clearly and with patience, giving time for students to write complete notes.

3. Take Students through examples using a white board or powerpoint. It improves learning retention to see a problem worked out. 

Be yourself

4. Infuse an element of your personality into the video. 

 Your OEF lesson is reaching a lot more people than just your segment of students. Everyone logged in, is watching you. Broadcasts play simultaneously across computers and devices. Lessons that have significant takeaways connect instructors to students. 

Variety of shots

5. When writing on a whiteboard or using slideshow/powerpoint, cut to the whiteboard or powerpoint so the student can see the example without distraction. 

You can record lessons on your phone, tablet, webcam, or a camera. There is no requirement to use professional video equipment.

Audio quality

6. Make sure the audio quality is a good level and is clear. 

The lesson itself must align with curriculum from that time of year. For example: if you choose 8th grade U.S. History, teach what is being learned in 8th grade history in the month of February. The closer your lessons are to the curriculum, the more broadcast time they will receive throughout the year, and more broadcast time brings your lessons more attention. Keep this in mind as you build your library of lessons as it will benefit you monetarily.

Have fun with it! Remember, if you are having fun, so will the Students.

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